Scanning / Reproduction photographing
Whether it's a slide, negative, painting, or paper image, we can convert it to a digital format through scanning or reproduction. We use cutting-edge technology, including the Imaco Flextight 949 (Hasselblad) scanner, Epson flatbed scanners, and Nikon cameras.
Scanning / Reproduction photographing
We use FLEXTIGHT Imacon 949 (Hasselblad) scanner, Screen Drumscanner and high resolution Epson flatbed scanner.
Our service includes negative scanning and slide scanning from 35 mm up to 20x30 cm, as well as reflectives up to 30x42 cm.
Maximum size in slides / negatives 20x30 cm
Reflectives maximum size is A3
Larger Reflectives must be scanned in parts or reproduction photographed
Scanning fee includes basic color adjustments and dust removing with compressed air
If there is some dust or scratching on your original, ask for an offer on washing / touch-up
File Format RGB / TIFF
Dialab usb stick 8gb 10,00 €
We know that photo scanning quality makes the difference between a good and a great photo print, so we’ve invested in state-of-the-art scanning technology, capable of capturing the finest nuance of detail and tone.
We also offer "Contact Sheet-scans" from slides and negatives.